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Ethiopia - Yirgacheffe G1 - NEW
Region: Yirgacheffe
Farm: Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union
Altitude: 1800-2200m v.j.l.
Variety: Arabica
Variation: Mix
Process: Natural
Taste nuances: Chocolate, Blackcurrant, Blueberry Tea, Blackberry, Floral
We recommend that you make this coffee with espresso machine, moka pot, filter cones and machines, Chemex, Aeropress, in cup.Local smallholder farmers bring their coffee cherries to the washing station, where the cherries are carefully handpicked to remove any visible defects. After that, they are placed on african raised drying beds to dry for about 21 days. Once the cherries are dried, they are hulled to remove the husk and then stored. The beans are later sent to Addis Ababa for sorting, grading, and export.
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